Stories About Debbie

Stories from her sister Pam

Debbie was everybody's champion. She was so full of life from the time she was born.
She was a mischievous teenager and liked to test the boundaries.

When I had Joey in 1998, Ethan was 7 months old. Mom called Deb to tell her that we
were at the hospital, she said she would be there since first babies always take time.
She and Ethan arrived and Joey was already born. She got to hold him before
the doctor even arrived. She was his Godmother and Will is his Godfather.

When I went into the hospital to have Veronica she was actually there before 10:00 a.m.
so she would not miss this baby. She stayed all day making me laugh every time
a contraction came on.

Debbie did everything to the fullest.

Deb and Mom were very close and talked everyday when Mom was not in Albuquerque.
Her family truly meant the world to her.

She went to Denver to help Barb when Jim had his surgery for colon cancer because
that was the type of person that she was.
